Monday, February 13, 2012

DIY Dress Form!

I have always wanted a dress form, but I am not A.) Paying close to $200 for a dummy (I married one for free...j/k lol) or B.) Going to find one in my size (Size: Worlds tallest toothpick.). So, I found some really cool tutorials on Youtube for making a dress form out of duct tape. Yes, I know duct tape is pretty redneck, but that's how I roll. Here is how it went:

1. Made a muslin slip to wear for the tape to stick to.
2. Had my husband wrap me in duct tape (he liked it haha). I told him it will never happen again unless he decides to off me, and he had better not because I'll haunt him forever hahaha.
3. Had a panic attack. I'm claustrophobic. Being wrapped in duct tape is not for me. However, it was worth the saved money.
4. Had husband cut me out of duct tape before passing out. Proceeded to down several glasses of ice water while I sat on the floor calming down. Duct tape not only induced panic attacks in the claustrophobic, it is also very warm. If there was another ice age, I would rob the hardware store of duct tape for garment construction.
5. Taped form back together while my fantastic husband ran to Lowes for some supplies.
6. Husband came back with supplies and constructed a stand for my form. We hung it on the stand and filled it with paper. Then he drilled holes in it and filled in crucial areas with expanding foam. Expanding foam is great, as long as you don't get it on you. It is stickier than hell and only comes off with a lot of acetone.
7. Wait for foam to dry.....wait some more....still not dry....THIS SHIT TAKES FOREVER TO DRY!!!
8. Now that the foam is dry (took long enough, geez...) scraped the extra foam off.

...and now....I have a dress form...but it's still not finished. I found a couple of spots where there isn't enough foam, so, we will have to foam fill some more. After the darn thing is full of foam, I have plans to smooth out the few minor bumps and cover her in fabric so I don't have to stare at duct tape every day (she lives in my living room due to the absence of a craft room (darn kids, taking up all the space!)).

1 comment:

  1. I suppose you made a slip to cover your neck, arms and down to your knees? Please clarify.
